I have been sleeping most of the way up to Camp Mendocino, except for the times I’ve been reading. Now we are driving in the bulk of the mountainous and winding roads. Especially with these large vans, we were told to drive the advisory speed or even 5 under. The current driver is going 35 mph and the advisory speed around turns is 25 mph. Let’s just say the drop-off is a bit scary and the turns make my stomach queasy.

Barb Woodruff said, Close your mouth Matthew, the bugs will get in…Just kidding. Good picture but I just wanted to let you know that you are all dressed just like the men who are in prison so are you sure you really are where you say you are. You know I couldn’t just pick the phone up and call them when they were in prison either I always had to wait for them to call me. So where it again you told me you were???? 😀 You better not be lying to me.